A partir de 2008 a questão do financiamento do projeto certamente constituiu o maior empecilho para produção do curta-metragem. Apenas alcançamos resultados razoáveis ao tentar parceiras ou contrapartidas para continuidade das gravações. E isto não era o suficiente para um documentário independente à altura do que o público poderia esperar quando se trata de Patápio. Há ainda outro fator que tornava a elaboração do roteiro uma tarefa complexa: os novos olhares que se emaranhavam sobre a história de vida do exímio flautista. Como é possível observar, as pesquisas acadêmicas de Maurício Oliveira (ver o link http://www.tede.ufsc.br/teses/PHST0294-D.pdf), Carmen Silvia Garcia (http://www.bibliotecadigital.ufmg.br/dspace/bitstream/1843/AAGS-7XQFWR/1/oriental.pdf) e Daniel Della Sávia (http://www.bibliotecadigital.ufmg.br/dspace/bitstream/1843/AAGS-7XQFWR/1/oriental.pdf) somavam-se aos pioneiros trabalhos de Cícero Menezes (1953) e Maria das Graças Nogueira de Souza (1981). Um bálsamo para este problema foi o show realizado por Altamiro Carrilho em 13 de maio na casa de espetáculos anexa ao Museu de Arte Moderna do RJ. Ao lado de Teresa e Elba, assistimos a bela homenagem e discutimos novas possibilidades para o filme. A foto acima é de Leandro Aversa na matéria do Jornal O Globo de 10/05/08, "O Sopro que deu cores definitivas ao choro", João Pimentel.
From 2008 the issue of financing the project certainly was the biggest obstacle for producing the short film. Just trying to achieve reasonable results partners or counterparts to continue the recordings. And this was not enough for an independent documentary up to what the public might expect when it comes to Patápio. There is another factor that made the preparation of a complex script: new looks that are tangled on the life history of the eminent flutist. As you can see, the academic research Mauricio Oliveira (see link http://www.tede.ufsc.br/teses/PHST0294-D.pdf), Carmen Silvia Garcia (http://www.bibliotecadigital.ufmg. br/dspace/bitstream/1843/AAGS-7XQFWR/1/oriental.pdf) and Daniel Della Savia (http://www.bibliotecadigital.ufmg.br/dspace/bitstream/1843/AAGS-7XQFWR/1/oriental.pdf ) came to the pioneering work of Cicero Menezes (1953) and Mary of Graces Nogueira de Souza (1981). A balm for this problem was done by the show Altamiro Carrilho on May 13 at the playhouse attached to the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro. Along with Teresa and Elba, saw the beautiful tribute and discuss new possibilities for the film. The photo above is Leandro Aversa in the matter of O Globo newspaper of 10/05/08, "The final blow that gave color to the cry," John Pimentel.
From 2008 the issue of financing the project certainly was the biggest obstacle for producing the short film. Just trying to achieve reasonable results partners or counterparts to continue the recordings. And this was not enough for an independent documentary up to what the public might expect when it comes to Patápio. There is another factor that made the preparation of a complex script: new looks that are tangled on the life history of the eminent flutist. As you can see, the academic research Mauricio Oliveira (see link http://www.tede.ufsc.br/teses/PHST0294-D.pdf), Carmen Silvia Garcia (http://www.bibliotecadigital.ufmg. br/dspace/bitstream/1843/AAGS-7XQFWR/1/oriental.pdf) and Daniel Della Savia (http://www.bibliotecadigital.ufmg.br/dspace/bitstream/1843/AAGS-7XQFWR/1/oriental.pdf ) came to the pioneering work of Cicero Menezes (1953) and Mary of Graces Nogueira de Souza (1981). A balm for this problem was done by the show Altamiro Carrilho on May 13 at the playhouse attached to the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro. Along with Teresa and Elba, saw the beautiful tribute and discuss new possibilities for the film. The photo above is Leandro Aversa in the matter of O Globo newspaper of 10/05/08, "The final blow that gave color to the cry," John Pimentel.
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