No final de março reencontrei o musicólogo Ricardo Cravo Albin na Urca ( Eu levei uma cópia do DVD do curta-metragem de Patápio Silva e ele assinou o termo de autorização de voz e imagem. Animado com o documentário, Albin ofereceu de maneira generosa o espaço do Instituto para um lançamento do filme. Semanas depois, retornei com nossa amiga e assistente de direção Teresa Fazolo para agendarmos uma data e traçamos algumas estratégias em parceria para o evento cultural. Nesta ação, o designer Giordano Bruno Celleghin do Jornal O Globo confeccionou um layout para o cartaz do documentário.
In late March rediscovered the musicologist Ricardo Cravo Albin in Urea ( I took a copy of the DVD of the short film Patápio Silva and he signed the authorization for voice and image. Encouraged by the documentary, Albin generously offered space at the Institute for a film's release. Weeks later, I returned with our friend and assistant director Teresa Fazolo to schedule a date and we draw together some strategies for the cultural event. In this action, the designer Giordano Bruno Celleghin the O Globo newspaper concocted a layout for the poster of the film.
In late March rediscovered the musicologist Ricardo Cravo Albin in Urea ( I took a copy of the DVD of the short film Patápio Silva and he signed the authorization for voice and image. Encouraged by the documentary, Albin generously offered space at the Institute for a film's release. Weeks later, I returned with our friend and assistant director Teresa Fazolo to schedule a date and we draw together some strategies for the cultural event. In this action, the designer Giordano Bruno Celleghin the O Globo newspaper concocted a layout for the poster of the film.
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